<bgsound src="http://www.thepocket.com/wavs/ozfriend.wav" loop=0>
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Location: Savannah, Georgia, United States
Photoblog of my SCAD friends and the city of Savannah, Georgia.



Savannah Film Festival

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Eric's Personal Pages
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Danny's Pumpkin
Danny carved a pumpkin yesterday, so here are some wallpaper sized pics to please you.

Thursday, October 21, 2004
Last night, during one of my wild-and-crazy parties I spilt Gatorade all over my keyboard. This resulted in the death of the keyboard. Oh, how it has been an awesome 10 months that that keyboard and I have shared. The ups, the downs. The laughter, the tears. How I wish that I had just one more day to tell you I loved you, oh sweet, sweet keyboard. How I loved thee.
After 2 hours of grieving over my loss, I jumped on Newegg.com and bought an identical keyboard (and mouse to boot). So for now I am keyboardless, having to go to other computers to post. I probably won't have too much going on with the site for the next 5 days or so. I have a good idea for my next post, but I might lazy my way out of it. I am off for now, to do the homework I have put off for so long.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Blog Update!
I just updated the majority of this page tonight because I didn't want to sleep at all tonight. Now the page is all crazy like me! The background is a little bit overkill I admit, but it will have to do for now because I didn't want to spend much time on it. I intend on changing the blue body in the center of the page, but that can't possibly get finished tonight because I have school work to do. Enjoy the flash movie up top. I will clean up the background and the rest of the blackness next time I have a spare several hours, which probably won't be any time soon because the Savannah Film Festival is this weekend, and I have a couple medium size projects that need to get finished by Thursday. I will try to keep up with some wallpapers and questions until the next template update. Until then, DEAL WITH IT!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Question 10-17-04
What is your favorite video game?
What is your least favorite video game?
Wallpaper 10-17-04
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Wallpaper 10-16-04
I have been playing the game Fable like crazy lately, and just finished it. So I'm posting a picture of the game, because I think it's pretty funny.