<bgsound src="http://www.thepocket.com/wavs/ozfriend.wav" loop=0>
My Photo
Location: Savannah, Georgia, United States
Photoblog of my SCAD friends and the city of Savannah, Georgia.



Savannah Film Festival

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I Currently Feel...

The current mood of yankidank at www.imood.com

Eric's Personal Pages
Monday, August 30, 2004
Some Older Photos (2003)...

Roses 2003Lisa 2003
Spencer 2003Spencer 2003
Cole Cole Jr's 2003
John J vs. Lisa L 2003Hollow 2003
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Testing Templates for the NEW page.
Submit any photo's, text, etc. to my email so that I can add it to the page. I'm working on a more personal frame for the page, but I'm short a few pictures.