<bgsound src="http://www.thepocket.com/wavs/ozfriend.wav" loop=0>
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Location: Savannah, Georgia, United States
Photoblog of my SCAD friends and the city of Savannah, Georgia.



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Eric's Personal Pages
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Wallpaper 10-16-04
I have been playing the game Fable like crazy lately, and just finished it. So I'm posting a picture of the game, because I think it's pretty funny.

Thursday, October 14, 2004
Question 10-14-04
What's the best love song to dance to?
Wallpaper 10-14-04
I am going on absolutely no sleep today. I was dumb and stayed up all night playing Fable for the Xbox. Now I have to go sit through 5 hours of class. Thank the Lord for the iPod. Here's today's wallpaper, I didn't post yesterdays because I was lazy, and the wallpaper I found wasn't up to par with the usuals.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Question 10-12-04
If you were a candy, what candy would you be? What candy wouldn't you be?
Wallpaper 10-12-04
Today's Wallpaper is from Tienamen Square, 1989. For more pictures like this one, check out the link HERE. Since I have posted so many photos on this page, I thought that I should save you some bandwidth by posting a thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail to see the fullsize image.

Monday, October 11, 2004
Wallpaper 10-11-04
Since I don't take enough photos to update this blog every day, or even every week, I have decided to post my current desktop wallpapers whenever I can.
Today's post is from meiko-kaji.com, a random site I came across while looking at movie titles. From the small bits that I have seen , Meiko Kaji is supposedly a famous Japanese actress from older horror movies. Take a look at the website for yourself to see if that's correct or not. Also check out some of the other movie photos.

Sunday, October 10, 2004
Karaoke 10-08-04


1. A music entertainment system providing prerecorded accompaniment
to popular songs that a performer sings live, usually by following the words
on a video screen.

[Japanese : kara, void, empty + oke(sutora), orchestra (from English orchestra).]

Take note of how filthy my room has become, especially the GIANT pile of laundry in next to the sink in the background. Good news though, the large majority of that clothing was washed yesterday, so it's no longer the focal point of the room.